Discount for all schools

We offer schools a 10% discount and free delivery on all orders, plus regular emails with special offer codes.


It's easy for schools to order. Email us at with your name, School name & address, email and telephone contact details. We will then create an online account so that you can access our special school prices.


If you want to order, but do not want to register for an online account you can email your order to with your school name, address and what you'd like to order. We will need an official school order if you wish to pay on account. Otherwise, we can take payment by card online or over the phone. Alternatively, or we can send you a pdf proforma invoice, and you can pay by bacs transfer or cheque in the post.


Charlie Crow Costumes are designed and made in the UK, as well as being fun to wear they can withstand the rigours of fun learning. There are used in nurseries, playgroups all over the world and can be used in KS1 key stage one and KS2 key stage two to promote learning.


Our outfits can be used as part of a storyline to cover the national curriculum or help to give an insight into the lives of children from different social backgrounds in historical times. We have an extensive range of costumes that are suitable for world book week and book days. Dressing up can help promote social skills, develop imagination and help to instil confidence.


Charlie Crow Free Resource Kit For Schools



Once upon a time, the cut-off fabric waste that came from the production of our costumes was thrown away. Now we recycle our waste fabrics into resource kits made up of colourful fabric scraps, cotton cones, cardboard tubes, etc. Included in the resource kit, are a few costumes and accessories, free of charge, these items may have slight faults in the fabric or are production samples. This is an excellent way for you to find out just how good Charlie Crow costumes are.


Free to schools!

We give our resource kits free of charge to any schools and playgroups who can collect from us. If you know of a school or charity organisation who can call and collect a Charlie Crow resource kit, please let them know. Our address is Charlie Crow Costumes, Party Shop Supplies Ltd, Unit B4 St Modwen Trade Park, Fenton, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 2TB, UK.


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